My mistake, I was misleading in saying that the cricket is in a separate
enclosure; actually it is in it's own box with only a cable coming out with
a connector that could fit in the modem or printer connectors (Serial device
comes to mind)
I'll do more web search before posting on the comp.sys.apple2
Thanks for the answers
On Mon, 8 Mar 1999, Francois wrote:
I just got a //c over the Week End,
It came with what looks like a sound system: the item is in a separate
enclosure with what looks like a speaker and a volume knob. It's labelled
"cricket". Does anyone on the list have any infor on this item? Power
requirement, software that uses it etc...
Its a speech synthesizer speaker box. Unless a Cricket card was made that
could be installed inside the //c (I'm not aware of such a thing although
I won't rule it out) then this box probably went with something like a //e
that did have the speech synthesizer card in it.
Er, wait a second, I'm thinking of something different. I do remember
reading articles in mid-80s Apple magazines that were advertising the
Cricket. It may very well have been for the //c.
Try posting this message on comp.sys.apple2. Somewhere there should be
able to help you more than this message.
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