On Sat, Sep 06, 2008 at 05:36:35AM -0500, Jim Leonard
tonym wrote:
Now, Jim, before I go digging, wasn't it you
that mentioned some extra
proggies for running games?
Was that to use std win games under *nix?
I don't recall doing so, but DOSBox is mandatory to run DOS-era games
with an 90% success rate.
I suspect, though, that tonym is asking about the latest and greatest
games and how to run them under WINE or some other gaming environment
that someone mentioned in passing a week or two ago. I don't play that
many modern games, so I haven't really dug into what it takes to make
a Linux gaming platform.
"How to play modern games" *is* veering quite a lot off topic, but I
should just point out that the difference between the newest version of
Wine and the version of Wine in most distros is quite significant.
There's a nice tutorial here: