On 9/7/07, Jerome H. Fine <jhfinedp3k at compsys.to> wrote:
Just as there were inquiries about using PDP-11
hardware, I thought
that it might be helpful to know if anyone uses RT-11 and for what
Twenty years ago, I wrote a custom Computer-aided Instruction (CAI)
application for an PDP-11-based ultrasonic parts inspection machine in
MACRO-11 for RT-11. Besides having to carve up multi-megabyte files
full of scan nybbles and throw them up onto a high-res screen with
lecture text, then later administrating automated tests of the
material, I also had to tweak the ultrasonic scanning machine itself,
a bit of a nightmare since all the non-MACRO code was written in
Since then, I've mostly used RT-11 for recreation and hardware
checkout. If I can slap a CPU, some memory, a serial port and a disk
controller together and boot it up to a '.', it tells me that I
probably have a pile of working hardware.
I haven't written any apps for RT-11 since 1989, but I have always
wanted to fire up PLANETFALL or ZORK I on it, since long, long ago,
before I owned a machine that could run Zork, I saw Planetfall on 8"
floppy, hanging up in the Digital store in downtown Columbus. It's a
bit of a silly play-time project, considering how many machines I now
own that run a Z-machine, but I've never gotten around to running a
Z-machine on a PDP-11. I know it's not hard; I just haven't whittled
down the project pile to that depth yet.
I probably split my PDP-11 time between RT-11 and 2BSD, having a
fondness and appreciation for both. If I had a PDP-11 with mass
storage that was smaller than a Professional or a BA23, I'd probably
have more time to fiddle with hardware, but lately, I seem to spend
more time in simh than using the real thing. I love the hardware, and
I have lots of it, but it's difficult to pack one more machine into my
office than I have right now.