Subject: Weird S100 memory board problem
From: "Richard A. Cini" <rcini at>
Date: Fri, 22 Jul 2005 22:57:54 -0400
To: CCTalk <cctalk at>
I have a CompuPro/Godbout RAM14 (16kx8) board, arranged in 4 banks
of 4k starting at 0. I ran a memory test program on it and it shows address
0x3000 as failing; when you look at data written, it appears that BIT 0 is
So, I ordered some 2147 chips from JDR and swapped the bad chip. It
still fails the same bit. So, I swapped it with another chip in the row, and
it fails again. It passes at address 1000 and 2000, so it can't be an
address bit buffer chip.
Any ideas? Where should I look next?
Sounds like a data buffer problem either in the data in lines or
data out lines. Or it could be the data in or out line for that
bit is bad to the chip (socket or open trace).