On Dec 6, 2:06, SP wrote:
I am doing a hobbyist research about the origins of
Arpanet, and for
surprise the original Arpanet protocol (represented in
the STD39
document) was declared historic in 2001, retired from the STD
list and substituted for one reference to BBN to obtain the document.
I've contacted them and... they can't provide me the document, named
BBN Report 1822 inside the company.
Can someone helps me, please ? I should agree too other providings
of Internet RFCs or STDs retired of the official list.
You may have some trouble finding that, as it was one of the very few
RFCs/STDs that wasn't ever online. You'd have to find a library that
has an old copy, or find someone who has scanned a copy.
Old RFCs aren't normally taken offline, so my "dump" of RFCs from
around 1998 should be complete -- apart from ones that were never
online in the first place, like RFC0007:
0007 Host-IMP interface. G. Deloche. May-01-1969. (Not online)
(Status: UNKNOWN)
which is a discussion about the software part for the interface This
particular one *is* now online, with the following Editor's comment:
[The original of RFC 7 was hand-written, and only partially
illegible copies exist. RFC 7 was later typed int NLS by the
Augmentation Research Center (ARC) at SRI. The following is
the best reconstruction we could do. RFC Editor.]
and the text is at
Pete Peter Turnbull
Network Manager
University of York