If the original
chip is a HAL, you are out of luck. HAL == Hard Array
Logic, it's a mask-programmed equivalent to a PAL. I've never found one
that can be read out, I suspect the circuitry simply isn't there.
There are a couple of articles in the archives about reverse
engineering the behaviour of PALs. One article started out very
promisingly (to my inexperienced eye) and the author stated that
parts 2 & 3 were to follow, but they never did. Oh well.
Well, here's a start... It only applies to PALs with no burried
flip-flops -- that is it only works for chips where a change of internal
state is visible on the pins. This applies to the classic PALs, but not
necessarily to GALs (from what I rmember).
What you need is a device that has a fair number of TTL I/O lines (alas
few modern computers have user ports or hacker-friendly buses, but
anyway). You want to be able to drive each input of the PAL under test
and read all the outputs (I asusme you know which pins are inputs and
which are outputs, from the schematic if nowhere else).
The first thing to do is to indentify which (if any) outputs show
sequential (i.e. internal latch/flip-flop) behaviour. In pseudocode it
goes like this
set all output_states to COMBINATORIAL
for inputs=0 to (2^no_of_inputs)-1 do
outputs_1= read (outputs)
for this_input = 0 to no_of_inputs-1 do
invert this_input
invert this_input /* this toggles each input in turn and sets it back
to the original state */
if new_outputs!=outputs_1 then set output_states for outputs that
changed to SEQUENTIAL
At the end of this, you will hopefully have some combinatorial outputs.
Then, try all possible input states again, record the outputs and look at
those that are known to be combinatorial. Use your favourite logic
minimalisation method to produce the logic equations for those.
That's part 1. I will think about cracking sequential terms...
How heat sensitive are PALs and GALs? Am I likely to
deprogram the
thing when I desolder it from the board?
TAoE calles this 'Security through solder' or soemthing similar.
I've never desoldered a GAL. I've desoldered _many_ DIL-packaged PALs
without damage. It depends on how good you are at soldering. If you're
happy removing other ICs without problems, I don't think you'll have any
problems with PALs/GALs