I have to admit that I'm flame virgin, but it looks like fun so I'll
give it a shot.
I can't believe so many on the ClassicCmp List don't subscribe to
the digest! That was the first thing I did.(Change over to the digest)
I can't be sorting through 40-50 messages to find the work related one
that need to be answered right away. And frankly, collecting computers
is a hobby for me, one of many, and this is not the only digest I
subscribe to.(Even though it's the one that takes most of my mail reading
Yesterday's digest came in SIX parts. In the last year thats nearly the
record. Page after page of the same e-mail quoted again and agin.
BUT I'm not complaining, instead I suggest that MAYBE the
ClassicCmp List should default to digest when subscribing. I think
that a digest allows people the time to think out their responses.
Many of you are the CP/M-List, this is a good example. You may have
to wait 24 hours for a response, but usually it a very thoughtful one.
And I think its because (as I remember) CP/M-L defaulted to digest
and it just become a slower paced discussion.
Also with a digest there is no reason to quote someone in entirety
(You just read the other message). You do have to cut and paste, so
you're more selective.
It true than I'm sometimes 24 hours late on a computer for sale. But
then again everybody want to auction off their computers anymore.
Well that my humble opinion.
Doug Coward dcoward(a)pressstart.com
Senior Software Engineer
Press Start Inc.
Museum of Personal Computing Machinery