That's pretty nearly what it says. I'd tweak it as follows.
On Apr 8, 2016, at 8:42 AM, R SMALLWOOD
<rodsmallwood52 at> wrote:
<Das Vintage Computing Festival Berlin (VCFB)
ist eine Veranstaltung rund um historische Computer und Rechentechnik>
Vintage Computing - Berlin (VCFB) is an event for collectors of old computers and
calculators. exhibition about historic computers and computation technology.
<Mit Ausstellungen, Vortr?gen und Workshops
soll das Hobby "" vorgestellt und der Spa? daran vermittelt werden. ?
There are exhibits, lectures and workshops to show what the Vintage Computer has to offer
and the fun to be had. show the hobby and the fun to be had.
> Ziel des VCFBs ist es, den Erhalt und die Pflege historischer Computer und
> anderer (E)DV-Ger?tschaften zu f?rdern und das Interesse an "?berfl?ssiger"
Hard- und Software zu wecken.
> The objective of the VCF-B is to encourage the collection and restoration of old
computers and other equipment by those with just a passing interest.
... other IT
equipment, and to stimulate interest in "redundant" hardware and software.
Unter die Inhalte des VCFBs fallen nicht nur
historische Computer, sondern z.B. auch historische Betriebssysteme, Software,
Programmiersprachen, Netzwerktechnik und andere Ger?te, die rechnen, wie z.B. historische
Taschenrechner und Rechenmaschinen.
Included in the range of items covered by VCF-B
are not only old computers but office machines, Software, Programming Languages,
Networking and other equipment including pocket and office calculators.
...not only historic computers, but for example also historic operating systems ...