>I have a lot of the kid's computers, (Atari,
Commodore, CoCo, etc), which
>I am trying to keep alive. Does anyone know if I can substitute high
>quality music tapes in place of computer tapes? Or where I can still
>find computer cassette tapes for sale?
Back in the early 80's I didn't even use high
quality music tapes, instead
I used the cheapest cassette tapes I could find. Never had any problem,
except for tape wastage since I'd only use about the first five minutes of
the tape. It was easiest to try to limit it to one program per tape.
The only problem along these lines that I experienced
was a tape that
someone copied on a home stereo system. Part of the time it would load,
part of the time it wouldn't.
BTW, the computer I used was a Commodore VIC-20 with
the original Cassette
The Question isn't as stupid as it sounds on first sight.
Back in the ol' days (Old Guys, arn't we ?) I had some
problems with high quality tapes in the usual cheap
cassette drives/recorders - Tape and head have to be
in an aprobiate range - so you can't just use any material.
Now, I hasn't been a problem back then, since most times
I also did by the ceapest of the ceap - only when in urgend
need (lets say a weeks hack without saving, and no other
cassette available I took high quality material - some of
my old music recordings still have data inbetween - and
of course I got problems ... (once I even _bought_ a cassete
at DM 20 (~USD8 at this time ~1980), since the shop had no
cheap ones (usualy DM 1-3)).
So, if you want to use modern cassetes, best practice would
be to use an acording actual recording device - no problem
when using computers with standard connectors, while for
a Como, you might need to build some cables and use an original
C2N as hook up.
For old casettes I would suggest _not_ to buy them -
Computer cassetes have been cheap materials, in most case
they have been stored under poor conditions and as a
result, the material may be already damaged.
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