Ok, true story.
Ten plus years ago, in what so far was my last position as
a full-time programmer, we had a customer who required that
we be able to update their system remotely. The vendor who
had failed to deliver their materials handling software on
time was using Carbon Copy to handle that update & support
So, suddenly, we needed to get a copy of Carbon Copy. I
wasn't in the loop on that, all I knew was that the boss
said I'd be getting this package in the mail, and to install
it on the PS/2 Model ?? (one of the desktop MCA machines)
that had the modem in it.
A few days later, the package arrived. As you might expect,
they did not go out and buy a new copy. Upon opening the
package, I stared for some time at the first page, trying
to imagine how it had come to pass that I was seeing what
I was seeing.
Apparantly, whoever (at the customer cite) had possesion of
the Carbon Copy package, delegated the task to someone who
was not quite up to it, but who did their best. I tried to
imagine the conversation that accompanied the assignment;
without a doubt, the manager handed the manual and diskette
to the delegate, and said "and be sure to copy the disk."
Because I was staring at a photocopy of a floppy disk. Oh,
and page two was a photocopy of the backside of the disk,
so at least the delegate in question was complete.
doug quebbeman