They are marked 2102A
Indeed... 8212
Eproms or PROMS? They're marked C1702A
Now is a good time to ask the list for advice on what to do BEFORE applying
any power to this machine. I consider this one quite historical, and don't
want to any damage. What are the things I should check?
-----Original Message-----
From: Tim Shoppa <shoppa(a)>
To: Discussion re-collecting of classic computers
Date: Thursday, March 05, 1998 4:08 AM
Subject: Re: Datanumerics DL8A is here! Have a peek @ ...
Nice pictures. Are those white ceramic 2101's or 2102's in the back of
the board? Are the 24-pin chips by the ribbon cable connectors Intel
8212's, by any chance? And it's hard to tell from the pictures, but
are the big chips near the RAM banks EPROM's or PROM's?
A few people have remarked at the similarity of the front panel to the
Altair, but that's hardly surprising: they're both just straightforward
displays of the status signals available on the 8080A...