From: Max Eskin []
there must be paper in the tractors that is beyond the print head,
which means that about a sheet of paper must be wasted. Could someone
explain to me what is the idea behind this system?
At one time nearly all tractor feed printers pulled instead of pushed.
Demand documents (i.e. tear off right above the print head) was not a
concern for most printers. Reports were printed in batches, then
separated by operators. Also, the paper was less likely to jam if you
pull it through the paper path, rather than try to push it through.
Ever see a paper jam on a 1200LPM chain printer? The operator could
spend a good 15-20 minutes clearing out bits of shredded paper.
Computer time was more expensive than the paper, no one cared if a few
pages got wasted for form feeds.
Jack peacock