see the thread from 2003
looks like this was a custom for HP
Well, I am not convinced it is totally custom, in that it has the DP8367
number as well as the HP1820-xxxx number (nost totally custom chips only
have the latter). I can well beleive it's a custom version of a standard
CRT controlelr, perhaps for a different screen format or something.
Anyway, I did a little more poking isnide my HP120 today. I believe the
DP8367 is closely related to the DP8350. Some of the pinouts machine up
(and not just bovious ones [1]). The internal registers seem to be loaded
in the same way _from the address lines_. It is connected to am 80 yte
shift register chip (I forget the number, MM5035??).
[1] For example, according to the HP125 boardswapper manual on, one of the output ports on the terminal processor (a Z80A)
controls the 6 self-test LEDs and a line to the video controller to
select 50Hz or 60Hz vertical frequency. I can find this output port (an 8
it latch) on the the the terminal PCB, the bit that would set vertical
freuqencty is linked to a pin on the video controller chip, indeed on the
DP8350, that pibn does select vertical frequency)
Now, I can find _references_ to the DP8350 data sheet, but not the
complete data sheet. Does anyone have that one?