I remember how annoying it was when Ebay required all
payments through
paypal. I preferred checks and getting all the money.
I am sure as a seller you liked it. As a buyer I wasn't about to send you a check for
more than a couple of bucks without assurances (and no the FB system did not provide
that). Let's be honest more stuff is selling, and for higher amounts, because of the
ebay changes (CC only, money back guarantee, etc.). You can still get paid in cash or
check by selling locally if you really prefer that.
Why don't we just use bitcoin?
Because then inflation would go through the roof. Imagine you had paid one bitcoin ten
years ago for a system. That would have been $2 (11/2011 price) Now with the change in
price of bitcoin that coin is worth $37,046. Are you willing to sell your system to
another buyer for $2 or even a $100? After all that system just cost you $37,044. Some
people will not see it that way but most people will and want their money back plus