I believe what you're looking for
(at least for the KDF11-B serial connectors)
is this module:
While there are probably 3rd-party modules out there,
it is easier to find the real DEC bulkheads.
Most of the DEC modules come with their own style of bulkheads.
The DZV11 has it's own bulkhead, as does the DLV11-J
The DHV11 bulkhead will also work on the DHQ11
You *could* build a custom ribbon cable to interface
the DZV11 / DHV11 / DHQ11 bulkheads to work with
the DEC standard 10-pin connectors, but it's easier
just to find the proper bulkheads.
Alternately, you could use just the mounting plate
from the various bulkheads, and install your own
DB25 connectors, and 10-pin cables.