This is pure guesswork...
Something else that I found this morning. A circuit board about 3 x 5"
square with four toggle switches and a push button switch. The toggle
switches are labeled Freq (0,1), WREN (off,on), Hold (off,on) and DRCT
Freq 0,1 sounds like selecting the 2 frequencies for continuous 0's or
continuous 1's on an FM (single density) disk.
WREN == Write eneable
Hold, I have no idea on. It's not HLD (Head Load), I trust.
DRCT out,in is probably hrad movement direction
(out,in). The pushbutton is labeled Step and next to
it is a LED labeled
With STEP being to move the head one cylinder in that direction.
TRK 00. On the other end of the board is long wire
with a E-Z hook on the
And the LED's function is then obvious!
end of it. Next to where the wire is connected it says
Connect to A5 TP9.
The part number on the board is 98015-66501. On the back of the board is
Well, that part number would normally indicate it's the 1's board in an
HP98015. Now, what that is I don't know
DE-37F connector. There are no other connectors or
power jacks so
apparently it gets it's power from the DUT. I'm guessing that it's used
If it is for the 9885, I don;t think there's power on the interface
connector. Maybe the flying lead is a +5V pickup.
for testing some kind of HP disk drive. I think the HP
9885 disk drive uses
the DD-37 connectors so I think it might be for that. Anyone know any more
Its was a DE37 just now... Since neither exist, I assume you mean DC37
(which is, indeed the connector used for the drive bus on the 9885)