the gentleman who sold me a pair of NEC APC's kept
what I think was a 28 (28c?) next to his *drafting*
appliance (he was an architect). Whatever the model
was, it had a green nixy tube display (probably common
Whatever it was, that description does not match the 28C. The 28C is a
pocket mackine that opens like a book with a keyoard in each half. And a
4-line LCD display in the right-hand half. The 28C has the destiction of
being HP's first user RPL machine, and the first machine to do symbollic
(as opposed to purely numerical) operations. IT's a fairly common machine
(as is the 28S, which has moro memory).
No HP calculator ever had a vacuum fluorescent display. And no HP
calculator eeer used nixie tubes. There was one model -- the HP9815 --
which used a gas discharage Panaplex display. Most other older models
(desktop and handheld) used red LEDs. The only machine I can think of
with a green display was the 9100 family, which used a CRT. The digits
were drawn using a 7-segment font, vector, not raster, scanned.
The HP9100 is a very interesting machine what I've rambled on about in
the past...
amongst early HP stuff). I tried to get him to sell
it, but no dice. He loved the thing too much. He
originally hailed from England by the way.
Having a 41* would be nice I guess, but having a 49G
already would probably render the 41 as a display
piece. And I have yet to plum the depths of it's
Actually, I disagree. I have a 49G -- one of the worst purchases I ever
made, and the only time I wrote a letter of complaint to HP about one of
their products (and for the record, they never bothered to reply...). I
use it from time to time, but I use my 41s (and for that matter 16C) a
lot more. The 41 has a much wider range of useful peripherals.
capabilities (buggy firmware - the thing locks up for
a short time quite frequently).
No doubt the 41 is a vintage piece though. You could
even probably add later models like the 10s, 48's. I
bought a 10s in 1990, and I doubt it was brand
spanking new then. I wouldn't mind having a 48GX
though. I have dreams of finding one still in the
original package. I think something like that could
fetch upwards of 600$ on ePay.
I don;t see the point of the original box. You;'d lower the vlaue as soon
as you ripped off the shrinkwrap and started to use it, and what the
heck's the point of a calculator you don't use?
If you want a 48GX to use, they're not that rare...