The vt100 PS was for that unit only ( and 105 and 125). I don't recall the #
now. The 101, 102, 131,132 and others all used the same PS and the boards
were interchangable. The 100 had a "backplane" type connecter, the other ps
had about a 10 pin connecter.
And IIRC the PSUs are very different, the VT100 having a true
switch-mode unit, while the VT101. etc has a mains transformer (and maybe
switching regulators on the secodnary side of that).
From what I rememebr theVT100 is a fairly modular
design. You can add the
AVO [1] There's an ingenious edge connector that can
take a board that
electrically sits between the VT100 and the serial line (when that board
is not plugged in, the contacts in the connector touch, connecting the
VT100 to the serial line), and so on. The VT101, etc, was all on one
board, it wasn't really expandable.