Vintage Computer Festival wrote:
1. Who invented the Index Register and about when?
3. What was it originally called?
4. What computer first used one?
1. The British invented in in about 1957 or 58.
2. It was originally called the "B-Box" for
"Bias Box".
3. I believe it was first used in the Ferranti Atlas
A little earlier. The Manchesetr Baby machine first ran in 1948. It had
no B-lines, but they were added before the final Mark I was specified to
Ferranti for commercial production. Ferranti delivered the first Mark I
to Manchester in Feb 1952 a few months ahead of the first Univac
delivery in the US.
B-lines, because the A-line was the Accumulator, the C-lines were
control registers : the sequcnce control reister (PC) and the current
see :
-- hbp