But anyway, it *CAN'T* be much of a challange, as
X.25 is that old
(1), and, perhaps more imporantly, the Iraqi's aren't too bright when
it comes to computer technology.
Who says? It's when you _don't_ have a lot of technology when you learn to
use what you _do_ have. Like how much more one can learn from an Apple ][
than from a Pentium system. A lot of Russian immigrants to the USA are much
better programmers, sysadmins, etc. than americans, because when they were
in Russia, they used old, well designed, systems intended for people who
knew what they were doing. They are likely to know how to make a 10K
program do the work of a 2M program which is what an american would likely
write (no offense intened). Plus, who knows? Maybe they modified the