Sellam doesn't like the movie because he's an early Apple devotee, and the
movie portrays Steve Jobs as an acid-dropping, drug-pushing, commune-living,
personal-conviction-abandoning, illegitimate-daughter-fathering,
beyond-workaholic, universally-disliked-yet-adored, employee-abusing,
god-complex-nurturing, business-disrupting idiot whom one expects to have
his employees drink hemlock-laden Kool-Aid at any moment.
Oh, and Wozniak is portrayed as a small, fuzzy bunny.
Does that about sum it up?
p.s. the Microsoft contingent gets off rather lightly by comparison, with
Bill Gates shown as merely a shrewd, somewhat ruthless, absent-minded
businessman with personal hygiene issues. Paul Allen is indistinguishable
from Wozniak in the film, just standing in the
background of shots, and has
about 30 seconds of screen time. Steve Ballmer,
however, is played by
Krusty the Klown from the Simpsons.
-----Original Message-----
From: Sellam Ismail []
Sent: Monday, June 21, 1999 11:33 PM
To: Discussion re-collecting of classic computers
Subject: Re: That awful show on TNT
On Mon, 21 Jun 1999, Tony Duell wrote:
virtually apoplectic about this garbage that some of you may watched
tonight on TV (I certainly did NOT watch it).
For the benefit of those of us who don't get American TV, could you
please explain what this programme (show?) was and what it got wrong?
Its a "story" (fictional) about the early days of Apple vs. Microsoft. I
don't even want to talk about it really. Just know it was horrible in
every way possible.
If anyone dares to pipe up and say they actually liked it I swear to you I
will unleash such a torrent of rage upon thee so please don't. Keep it to
yourself for your own good.
Sellam Alternate e-mail:
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[Last web site update: 05/25/99]