Nice but what would CP/M (rememberthis is 8080/z80) do
with 500mb? The
whole of multimple archives fits on a single CDrom! CP/M systems did not
suffer code bloat so smaller devices tend t fill very slowly. Something
under 100mb is more resonable for my project.
Don't ask me!!! I didn't know
waht CP/M was until a week ago. Funny story.
I've looked all over the Internet for stuff on my II+, but found II, IIc,
IIe, etc. stuff instead. Then, I look at my school library, and I find a
84/85 edition of a kind of "computer encyclopedia", and a book called
II User's Guide", which only covers the ][ and the ][+.
????? What are they and approximate cost.
For the
80 MB version, it's soupossed to cost around $80. Be warned, these
are 1" chips that are soupossed to contain Windows 95/98 on them (with room
for expansion, etc.) It's like a hard disk on a chip. I've only heard
about them. The advantage is relatively low cost, but definately lower
power consumption and less space. I'm trying to build a machine myself.
Right now, I'm into hardware, software'll come later. I'm thinking an ELKS
machine, or such. Where the heck can I get hardware that isn't aimed for
10,000 units? Like 1 or 2? Using IDE, probably a 386/486 chip, and I'd
need graphics, etc. Can someone please help me?
Tim D. Hotze