Heeeeellllou all!
So I'm going to be playing around with a 7933 disk drive during the
weekend and I'd really appreciate some help.
The 7933 is a big honkin' washing machine sized hard disk circa <1985
with a nice keypad and a nifty display (it's not seven segment, more
likely ten-segment or something like that).
The procedure for powering it up is something like this: connect power
(normal single-phase 230V), hit circuit breaker, wait, hit "load/unload"
button, wait 3 minutes for the disk to spin up, wait 4 minutes for
airpurge (I gather this was simply "purge" in previous models, much
to the delight of MPE users) and if you're lucky you'll get "drive #"
on the display.
So this much I know, but I was wondering if anyone has even a short list
of the keypad commands (test numbers etc.) I think it has bad blocks
and before I try mediainit I might as well run the built-in diags.
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