As hard as it may be to envision, I bet _most_ of the subscribers to
this list do not own tap & die sets. Many probably own only one hammer,
People here don't have soldering irons, they don't have tap and die sets.
What the heck do they use to repair computers (;-) in case you're
Once upon a time, when I worked as a programmer for an
hourly wage, with time-and-half for overtime, and lived
rent-free, I was able to acquire a reasonable set of
tools, but most of them were for the other hobby, working
on my Audi's.
But I do have a logic probe, a RatShack-labeled Ungar iron,
heating elements up to 43 watts (glows red!), and lots of
TTL parts, etc. No scope, no analyzer, nothing esoteric.
But a breadboard, a manual wirewrap tool, a few spools
of wirewrap, protoboards, some material for making cheap
PCB boards, cheap dykes of various sizes. I used to have
heat sinks, IC pullers, two rechargeable Wahl irons (well,
I still have one).
But now I mostly have a salary that grows 1% behind the
rate of inflation and a mortgage that consumes most of
the cash, with food coming in second.
So, debugging hardware ofen involves totems, incense, etc.
Or lots and lots of "remove and replace"...