-----Original Message-----
From: cctalk-bounces at
[mailto:cctalk-bounces at
classiccmp.org] On Behalf Of Bill Pechter
Sent: woensdag 25 april 2007 4:20
To: General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts
Subject: Re: RX01 in SIMH - how to do it?
On 4/24/07, John A. Dundas III <dundas at caltech.edu> wrote:
At 9:56 AM +0200 4/24/07, Gooijen, Henk wrote:
I feel like a fool ... I just can't get an RX01 drive
configured and attached in SIMH.
As Joe mentioned, make sure only one device is using the CSR
and vector in SIMH before booting RT-11. Then attach the device
to the container file.
If I boot RT11 from a virtual RL02, and do .SH
DEV, the DX
driver is listed as "Not installed".
Right. It needs to be installed before you use it. For example,
Now try .SHOW DEVICES and see what happens.
IIRC you could give the RX02 a different CSR and Vector and
tell the DY driver the vector and csr at load time to get both in.
d|i|g|i|t|a|l had it THEN. Don't you wish you could still
buy it now!
Thanks Joe, John, and Bill.
All comments together helped a lot!
When you set DY disabled, the device is still known to RT11,
so I renamed the DY driver extension to "sas" :-)
However, DX keeps the CSR and vector which are not the defaults,
so I changed them while running RT11. After the reboot, only DX
is listed in ".sh dev" and the driver is installed!
Breaking to SIMH and attaching a (new) disk container is easy,
and the RT11 output is as expected. Below is the (copied) output.
Now, I am keeping my fingers crossed ... I hope that SIMH writes
the RX01 container file in the physical RX01 floppy disk structure.
What I would like to do is creating an RX01 disk file on the PC,
and then use Peter McCollum's RX11 emulator to transfer the RX01
disk file to a real PDP-11 RL02 cartridge. We'll see this evening!
- Henk.
sim> set cpu 11/70
sim> set rl0 rl02
sim> attach rl0 D:\Apps\simh_rt11\RT11work.dsk
sim> set ry disabled
sim> boot rl
(booting RT11XM)
.sh dev
DX Not installed 177174 270
DY Not installed 177170 264
.rename dyx.sys dyx.sas
.boot rt11xm.sys
.sh dev
DX Not installed 177174 270
.set dx csr=177170
.ser dx vector=264
.sh dev
DX Not installed 177170 264
.boot rt11xm.sys
.sh dev
DX Installed 177170 264
^E (break to SIMH)
sim> attach rx0 testrx01.dsk
RX: creating new file
RX: buffering file in memory
sim> c
dir dx0:
?DIR-F-Invalid directory
.init dx0:
DX0:/Initialize; Are you sure? Y
.dir DX0:
0 Files, 0 Blocks
486 Free blocks
sim> exit
RX: writing buffer to file
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