You can not reuse needles, nor can you sharpen them.
With the
acoustic-era machines, needles are used exactly *once*. Play the record,
then pitch the needle. If you reuse needles, you will wreck the records.
Glad to know that. I have reused them before, but never more than two or
three total playings (they go visibly dull VERY quickly, and unless they
look nice and sharp, I didn't dare use them).
Needles are very available from several sources. They
are quite
inexpensive (they have to be!).
Humm... I've never been able to track them down. But then again, last
time I really looked, was pre-internet for me (pre 94/95), so I'll have
to do a search now that I have the power of things like Sherlock and
Google at my disposal.