How to Maintain the Nova (1969) - US$35
CS/20 Illustrated Parts Breakdown - 016-000681-00 - US$10
Nova 800 Technical Manual - 015-000004-02 & 016-000016-01 - US$20
Nova 830 Nova 840 Technical Manual - 015-000039-00 (some handwriting in it)
- US$15
Nova 840 Technical Manual - 015 000020-01 - US$20
Nova 1220 Technical Manual - 015-000011-04 - US$20
SuperNova Computer Technical Manual - 015-000008-01 - US$20
microNOVA Board Computer MBC/1 Data Manual - US$5
microNOVA Integrated Circuits Data Manual - US$5
An Introduction to Microproducts and the Micron Operating System - US$5
Microproducts Hardware Systems Reference - US$10
MP/OS Utilities Reference - US$8
MP/100 Computer System - US$8
Communications Interfaces and Character Device Controllers - US$5
Input/Output and Interfacing (Microproducts) - US$3
Sensor I/O - US$3
Disk and Diskette Drives - US$3
MPT/100 Computer System I/O Programmer's Reference - US$8
All items are in excellent condition unless otherwise noted. Prices do not
include shipping.
Kevin Stumpf * Unusual systems *
+1.519.744.2900 * EST/EDT GMT - 5
Collector - Commercial Mainframes & Minicomputers from
the 50s, 60s, & 70s and control panels and consoles.
Author & Publisher - A Guide to Collecting Computers &
Computer Collectibles * ISBN 0-9684244-0-6