I think I have cracked the issue of converting scanned
images into PDF
using only freeware!
First off get the imagemagick toolset from
You will also need c42pdf available at
c42pdf will create pdf files from group 4 encoded tiff images (only). To
get to those images use imagemagick convert :
convert -compress group4 <any image file> image.tif
c42pdf image.tif
will create image.pdf. Read the docs to see how to build multi page PDFs.
I convert tiff to g4 tiff with the following
tiffcp -L -c g4 -r 10000 infile1 [infile2...] outfile
This tool takes much less memory to convert. This is
from libtiff-3.5.5-2.
http://www.libtiff.org/ (part of
the tifftools)
I have a version that I fixed some problems in c42pdf at
If somebody wants a windows binary I can try building a command line one
with cygwin, email me.
Command line I use
c42pdf -q -o outfile -p o --nostretch --noflip infile.tif
It also has a --pages flag to only convert some pages. This is done on
the fly to convert the tiff's on my site to pdf.
This doesn't create optimized PDF's so acrobat can't fetch them a page
at the time (for good or bad, frequently that delay on each page annoys me)
David Gesswein
http://www.pdp8.net/ -- Run an old computer with blinkenlights.