--- "Carlini, Antonio" <Antonio.Carlini(a)riverstonenet.com> wrote:
Ethan Dicks
communication with the UET... there is nothing on the Unibus except
the UET and a full boat of double-grant cards.
What's on the VAXBI bus?
Wads of stuff - KA820, 5 MS820 modules, KDB50, COMBOARD-BI and DEBNT. In
fact, the BA32 is full except for the slot I keep open for the spare
> At this point, I suspect the DD11DK, the M9313
UET and/or the
> cables. I have three M9313 modules. One consistently generates
> a 12, two generate an E. What's not clear to me is if the tests are
> performed in numerical order
...if the same logical sequence is true for the VAXBI
widget, I would
guess that 0E means an "earlier" test failure that 12.
The only reason why I even questioned it is the order of appearance in
the flowchart in the ref manual.
Anyone with any
substantial DWBUA experience?
Not me. I never broke mine :-)
Here... let me help... ;-)
I have the
tech manual,
Is it scanned - it may help :-)
Help me? Nope... the dead trees with squiggles on it works just fine.
Seriously, though. No. It's not scanned anywhere to the best of my
knowledge. It's about 7mm thick - quite a few pages.
Remind me what processor you are running this on. A
Scoprio of some
kind IIRC?
Yes. An 8200 (the second processor has been out of its slot for _all_
of this debugging).
Which backplane: 12 slot or 24 slot VAXBI?
12-slot BI in a BA32 system enclosure - standard for the 8200. You
could get them with 50/50 BI/Unibus or 100% BI with an external Unibus.
We needed the extra room.
What exactly do you have in which slots of the VAXBI?
I can go over it, but the processor is in the first physical slot, ID 2,
the DWBUA is in the third physical slot, ID 0, the KDB50 is in the next
two slots, ID 5. It goes memory, then COMBOARD-BI, then DEBNT.
The 8200 Owner's and Installation Guides are
available at:
Right. I have those on paper anyway.
Nothing obvious leaps out at me from the Installation
Guide. There is a
bit in bold that means "plug the cables into the M7166 the right way
round, and mind they are delicate".
Right. They are labelled and keyed, anyway.
There's another bit that says M7166 in first slot,
UET in last slot and
grant cards all the way along.
That's in the DWBUA tech ref as well.
And another bit that says "don't snag the
cables when closing the UNIBUS
It doesn't say "make sure the four cables go
to the right places" but
the diagram on p4-28 shows how they should go.
Right. I marked them with arrows, etc. before I removed them. I even
checked them one-by-one when I removed them for visual inspection
last month.
The DWBUA needs a transition header installed (but I
presume you would
not even have got this far into the tests without one!
Indeed. No place to put the cables. As it turns out, this 8200 arrived
to us with all transition headers installed (but I do have three spares).
Finally it says read the Tech Manual if the T1010
yellow LED does not
Which is exactly where I am.
So... anyone happen to have a UET lying around, unloved?
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