On Jan 14, 2008, at 8:43 AM, Tom Uban wrote:
I worked for the Gould Computer Systems Division in
Urbana IL from
'86 to '88, fresh out of college, helping first with the BSD based
Un*x operating system kernel for the Concept/Powernode line of
processors and then a bit on the NP1 processor before I left to
work for BBN Advanced Computers Inc. in Cambridge MA.
Out of curiosity, do you know anything about any of the small
computer systems Gould produced? For example, I have a 9540, which is
a desktop-sized MC68010-based multibus UNIX machine. It has an 8"
floppy, ST-412 style disk interface, and ethernet. I have some
documentation for it, but I'm not sure where it fits in their systems
lineup, or what market niche Gould were intending it to fill. It
seems to be something of an orphan.
If you knew anything about the provenance of the UNIX software itself
on this machine, that'd be worth discovering as well. It proclaims
itself "G-NIX", but not consistently. Is it derived from a Unisoft
release, like most of the 68k UNIX systems of that era?