Hello all,
I have a Kaypro 10 that works pretty good. The hard drive is a Seagate ST212 10meg that
is getting very noisy and gives read errors now and then. I have been playing with the
Advent TurboROM and KayPLUS rom upgrades with no luck. All testing that I have done with
both roms has been with the original ST212, an ST251, an ST277 and a Mitsubishi MR535, all
with the same bad results. I have verified the eproms many times so they match the images
that I've downloaded from the net. I got the KayPLUS rom from here:
http://www.microcodeconsulting.com/z80/kayplus.htm and I've gotten the turbo rom from
3 sources that all match what you see here:
When I use the KayPLUS rom with the prescribed boot disk etc. as per instructions, the
machine boots but doesn't seem to see the hard drive. The led on the hd never even
blinks. If I run
HDCNFG.COM to setup the hard drive, the machine hangs. Another person
has verified this also. So my first question is: Has anyone gotten this rom to work?
When I put the TurboROM in, I get some very different results. The screen has the initial
Turbo welcome screen and the machine hangs there. The led on the hard drive is always on.
The floppy never tries to boot. If I disconnect the data & signal cables from the
hard drive, it boots from the floppy after 25 seconds just like the manual says. If I
disconnect the 49 pin cable from J9 (the hard drive connector) on the motherboard, the
machine boots almost instantly. It seems to be looking at the hd but doesn't like what
it sees. Other people have said that this copy of the rom works. So my second question
is: Has anyone else run into this problem or what can be done to fix this?
Her's a link to some pictures of the mess.
Thanks a lot.