On Sun, Oct 22, 2017 at 3:13 AM, Angel M Alganza via cctalk <
cctalk at classiccmp.org> wrote:
On Fri, Nov 20, 2015 at 01:39:32PM -0600,
(Yes, almost two years ago. I'm a bit behind with
my mail, LOL.) Eric Christopherson wrote:
I'm considering doing something that
downloads my Gmail content locally and keeps it
in sync periodically, but I haven't really
looked at what's necessary for that.
Have a look at mbsync/isync if you still haven't
done anything about it on those two years. LOL
It does exactly what you wanted.
Gracias, ?ngel. As a matter of fact I *haven't* done any work on that
front lately. I will be sure to check these out.
I can't remember how long I've been using it (but apparently for at least
two years), but I use Gmail's IMAP via mutt. I know a lot of people like
*pine but when I first started seriously playing around with text-mode
Linux (since I installed it on a system that I figured was too wimpy to
support X) I started using mutt for local and POP/SMTP mail and have always
really liked it.
I use alpine in a shell account on a remote server I use, but I'm always
cursing the way it helpfully offers to automatically archive and/or delete
old messages. I know at least once I've accidentally hit a key giving it
permission to do its thing, with no chance of undoing it. I thought I had
turned that off somehow, but the last time I used it it happened again.
I'm pretty sure the first *nix email client I used was elm. I seem to
remember liking it better than pine, but I don't remember why.
Eric Christopherson