Here's an update...
- We have nine exhibitors already signed up. Visit the VCF web site at to sign up now. We're close
to finalizing the prices; it will probably be $25 to exhibit (as a
non-profit group we REALLY need the funds.)
- We arranged for discounted rooms (Fri., May 12 - Sun., May 14) at the
nearby Holiday Inn (where these is good food and broadband) -- call (732)
544-9300 and tell them it's for the Vintage Computer Festival.
- In addition to the antique computers, there will be a special area with
small exhibits from the other groups headquarted at our venue (the InfoAge
Learning Center) which includes historic collections of military vehicles,
diving gear, radio, and more.
- Although this VCF is only one day (Sat., May 13), there will still be a
post-VCF event for exhibitors and VIPs that evening.
- We haven't yet started signing up speakers, but that will begin soon.
Meanwhile we are trying to get some celebrity speakers (relatively
speaking!) with an emphasis on computing history local to the east coast.
Let your imagination run wild. :)
Evan Koblentz's personal homepage:
Computer Collector Newsletter:
Mid-Atlantic Retro Computing Hobbyists & Museum: