Message: 4
From: Philip Pemberton <classiccmp at>
Actually, I've been working on a similar thing...
The software is called ISIS,
Ok a lot further advanced than I had envisaged. I had seen it for vintage
computers and components but since posting the website and seen a few
replies about the individual cataloging what they had, it seemed the
initial catalog work was the p.i.t.a.
My intention was to post pages of who had what with a search facility, and
let them contact each other.
Message: 16
From: Jules Richardson <julesrichardsonuk at>
Actually, how well would a freecycle-type list for work?
For some reason the casual offered/wanted model tends to suit me a lot
better than itemising everything I have and deciding which bits I
definitely know I don't need now and won't ever need (somehow, I'm a lot
better at getting rid of stuff when I know in advance I have a taker for
It was getting rid of some household bits that gave me the idea and its
possible this would be better served by a listing in Freecycle. My problem
with that is that Freecycle seems to be a fast turnover system with "I
have this" or "I want that". In the vintage computer / component area I
though this challenge response system might be too restrictive (possibly).
Although some work to set up initially, I thought a central repository of
parts where you could search for bits when needed and then email the owner
might work better.
Those individual "Fred" & "Mike" pages could be set up for Fred to
his own data as a text file used to generate the "Fred" page with a bit of
coding, that way each member of the system could change it as and when
they had time.
More comments / suggestions ?.