But, what is
the resistor color code for negative ohms?
A pigment that reflects only infrared?
Outside the 2..7 range, there is no spectral order. (Black, brown,
grey, and white are not part of the spectrum in the usual sense.)
Still, the idea makes some sense. But most floating-point formts are
sign-magnitude, and I see no reason this would be different - perhaps
the body should be a different colour?
Also see xkcd cartoon #227.
A negative-resistance resistor would be a very peculiar
device. (Not the same thing as a device with a negative-slope portion
of its current/voltage characteristic, which is spoken of as negative
resistance but is only *incrementally* negative....) Connect a
capacitor and nothing happens, unless it's already charged, in which
case it gets charged more and more until something breaks.
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