<I grew up on the Z80, and for a time I thought that the 6502 was a
Same here.
<horrible little chip. But then I got to use a 6502 in the BBC micro and I
I didn't have that opinion. It took a bit of getting used to having 256
registers that happen to be in the base memory page though. ;)
totally revised my opinion of it. The 6502 instruction set was simple and
<fairly clean. For high-level languages it was a fine processor (BBC basic
<on a 2MHz 6502 was faster than similar BASICs on 4MHz Z80 machines).
In the speed race they were close enough that how an app was structured and
written had a greater effect.
<No. Never forget the 3 magic letters 'IBM'. That's why the PC was
<succesful. Technically there were plenty of better machines around at the
<time, but they didn't have the appeal of coming from a company that
<_every_ computer centre and DP manager had heard of.
That is a fact! IBM legitimized the desktop machine even if it was
inferior design.
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