Wolfe, Julian wrote:
Well, I got a TK50 drive off eBay, and I have some
questions about it.
What do you want to know, apart from the fact that it probably won't
work before you clean it? :-)
First, is there a (transition
panel/bulkhead/distribution panel/whatever
you want to call it) connector for it? I'd really like to use that if
possible. It came with a Micro-PDP11 style hookup, which is just the
TK50, ribbon cable, and the controller that goes to the drive.
Yes there is. Atleast if you have the Unibus version. But then you also
have the TK50 in a separate box with it's own power supply, and the
cable between the machine and the TK50 is a thick cable with DB37 at
each end (hmm, come to think of it, it's probably not a DB37, the
connector is higher than a DB).
Secondly, how do you clean these drives? Is there any
procedure I
should use to clean the unit before installation?
Remove the top rear (3 screws). Then you'll see the head, and a plastic
piece in front of the head. Remove that plastic piece (1 screw). Unhook
the catcher and back out the tape lead so that you get access to the
head. Clean it with something suitable. Reverse for assembly.
Johnny Billquist || "I'm on a bus
|| on a psychedelic trip
email: bqt at update.uu.se || Reading murder books
pdp is alive! || tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol
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