Before everyone runs off...
I just picked up two Fortune Systems' computers. A Fortune 32:16 SX
and a Fortune 32:16 XP. These were 68K based Unix systems but
I only have the base units. The XP system should have a monitor and
keyboard that plug into it but those are missing. As usual with many
old systems, these also came without doc and software. I helped the
previous owner as much as I could with these (which was not very
much) and he was able to get one up and logged in but that was about
it. Does anyone out there have any info on these; specs, doc,
software or a monitor and keyboard for the XP?
Also, I've set up a server and registered my own domain; As this is my own hardware, connection and
domain, I intend to run web and ftp services here with as many links
to other classic computing sites, info and whatever files I can
receive permission to place here. I hope to cover as many systems
as I can add space for. So far I've only begun to move my old web
pages from my ISP over to the new server but plan to update the
site as I go along. I'd be happy to hear what people would like to
find there or services people would like to see.
You can email me at my old address dlw(a) or my new one
dlw(a) The new web site is of course. Sorry but the site isn't
currently very "text friendly", (though I did view it with the
current version of lynx from a Unix shell without too much trouble)
but that will be changing shortly too.
Thanks for your time.
David Williams - Computer Packrat
dlw(a) || dlw(a) ||