Some weird blinking cursor on power on=2C then a 1701
error=2C and it hits =
the floppy disk.
Aha=2C its already got a Hardcard inside!
IIRC, 1701 is a hard disk problem.
I open it up=2C and I feel no mechanical motion or
hear any sound=2C the dr=
ive does feel warm=2C so darn it=2C its locked up.
I assume the drive spindle is not accesible outside the HDA. If it is,
try giving it a tweak (but don;t blame me if it rips the heads off ;-))
And the connector is proprietary=2C takes the flex
straight to the drive. =
I see electronics that look like a data separator=2C some tweakable caps=2C=
so the HardcardPlus boards are not even MFM type interfaces.
Where is this data separator (on which end of the interface cable? With
an ST412 MFM set-up, I'd expect the data separator to be on the
controller board. The drive really is dumb...
Next problem=2C this is the keytronics capacitive
keyboard=2C and it has th=
e foam rot problem=2C I have some dead keys. I read you can use double sid=
ed foam tape=2C stick the Mylar circles on it and fix these keyboards.
I've seen those 'contacts' on E-bay....
If it's just the foam, then yes you can mend them with bfoam tape. But
I've seen one Keytronics keyboard where the foam was fine but the
metalisation had disapperaed. I have no idea how that happeend...