A little far for me to drive...
----- Original Message -----
From: "Arne Bergseth" <Arne.Bergseth(a)dnv.com>
Newsgroups: comp.os.vms
Sent: Tuesday, December 17, 2002 3:13 PM
Subject: New home for DEC 3000 model 300LX
DEC 3000 model 300 available for VMS hobbyist.
Workstation with Alpha 21064 processor, 64 MB memory and 1.05 GB disk,
has been taken out of use and need a new home.
I already have more than I can accomodate.
The machine is located in Norway, the system box can possibly be shipped
by mail if you are willing to cover the postage.
If you also want the VRC21-HA monitor you will have to come get it in
Sandvika in Norway.
Arne Bergseth