Subject: Re: CUBIX/6809 updates
From: Tom Uban <uban at>
Date: Sun, 11 Dec 2005 10:37:55 -0600
To: "General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts" <cctalk at>
Cool Dave!
Is this running on other hardware than your homebuilt 6809 machines? Can
you please describe the Cubix features (disk?, commands?, etc.)? Or should
I just RTFM...
I'll comment. Ave has two distinct systems listed on his web site and their
I'm working on building one for portable(toteable) use. First I'd say I'm
from the 8080/8085/z80/z180 mostly world though
I've played with lots of
others. This is however my first real venture into the
68xx world though
I'd looked at 6809 for a long time and have a COCO3 to play with. So I'm
not near as comfortable with 6809 as many may be. What I've learned
looking and working with the sim is that it's a very good cpu and somehow
never got the populartity I'd have expected for the performance.
Basic features:
6809 with a low chip count and despite the apparent low clock speed the
CPU cycle usage is different (close to 6502) and operating speed is
decently fast.
Basic design (portable) is 48k ram and ROM resisdent OS.
The resident OS can address up to 32mb of storage per logical device
and the OS is sophisticated in that sparse files and scatter/gather
are nominally part of it (like CP/M, unix, VMS). The OS is easily
configured for any device (floppy, IDE, CF whatever). Same for
IO (serial memory mapped video).
One central item in my mind is that it's complete with supporting
software such as editors, assemblers, languages and the sources are
there. The documentation is good as well. Reading the manual gives
depth to what I'm only outlining here.
The outstanding feature if your interested at all, there's a good
simulator for the hardware with matching software to play with,
test drive if you will. The sim plays well on my P166 NT box,
my W98 P100 and a dosbox.
I wrote a ton of 6809 assembly when I was programming
pinball machines
at Williams/Bally in the 90's.
;) Then I'd expect you'll find programming the '09 familiar.
At 11:55 AM 12/11/2005 +0000, you wrote:
>For the benefit of any one who is building up a 6809 based system and
>planning to run my CUBIX OS (or thinking about it):
>I have just updated the source code, documents, disk images and simulator for
>the CUBIX/6809 system which are available on my site.
>Main change is that I have ported my Micro-C 6809 compiler over to run
>native on
>the system. Languages currently included with CUBIX are: Assembler, Asp (high-
>level assembler), Basic, Forth, APL and now C.
>Due to the large size of the C documentation, the documentation diskette has
>been split into two physical disks (well... images for the simulator),
>and "Languages".
>The C compiler happened to expose an obscure stack corruption bug in the OS,
>so I have hunted that down and swatted it.
>I've also updated the simulator to include the ability to import/export
>text files as
>console input/output, and enhanced the debugger to include the ability to
>disassemble in either "6809" mode ("SWI" == "SWI"), or
in "CUBIX" mode
>("SWI / FCB xx" becomes "SSR xx") and a nifty "Step
over" command which
>allows you to execute at full speed until the stack pointer returns to
>where you
>started. (The debug enhancements are brought to you courtesy of the stack
>corruption bug :-).
>dave04a (at) Dave Dunfield
>dunfield (dot) Firmware development services & tools:
>com Collector of vintage computing equipment: