The seasonal holidays give me time to play around a bit ...
I wanted to connect my DECprinter I (that's an LA180) but
I could not find any documentation here at home, neither
on the web! Can somebody who knows or has an LA180
connected tell me how it is hooked to a serial line?
It's not!. The interface is a TTL-level parallel one, somewhat similar to
Centronics, but IIRC some of the control lines are inverted, etc.
IIRC, it connects to an LP11 or LPV11 card. The cable is straight-through
wired, I think, but you probalby flip one of the connectors over, as is
usual with DEC cabling.
Or point me to an LA180 user's manual on the web?
From my guess, the BERG header is
"standard" as on M7800
DL11's or M7856 DL11-W, SLU's (with the
appropriate lugs
either RS-232 or 20 mA current loop), but I would rather be
assured than destroying a very nice printer!
I suspect applying RS232 levesl to the connector will cook a few ICs. I
do have the printset somewhere, so it would be repairable...