From: "William Donzelli"
You will see that most machines - nearly all - did pretty unimportant jobs
in their lifes. I look at mine - one was used for managing parts for GM in
Canada. Another did payroll at a steel and bridge company. Another was
used in a high school. A few I simply do not know. Anyway, not very
exciting. What I am looking for are instances of machines with a exciting
OK, now I see what you are getting at. History of these machines
is really hard to get. For the most part, it is even harder to
prove. The most interesting one from that standpoint was the
Olivetti M20. I got it from the xwife of a fellow that worked
for Olivetti here in Sunnyvale, developing applications. When
he gave it to her, all she wanted it for was the word processor.
I have a Kim that was purchased by a fellow that was in
the early days but never actually did anything with it. Sales
slip included.
Most anything else I've gotten lacks history. I wish I'd gotten
more with items but it is tough enough to just round up documents
and programs for these machines.
The only machine that I know the complete history is my second
computer ( a H89 ). I built it and learned from it. I've designed
and built some of my own I/O boards for it.
I have nothing with any Earth shaking history( that I know of ).
I know such machines are out there. They just never come my way.
I'm just not in the right place at the right time. I keep looking,
though. I guess the biggest problem is that few individual machines
were actually involved in history making events. Many may have
been involved in bits and pieces.
The only famous machine I can think of is the IMSAI that
was used in "War Games". It is not all that important a history
event but it is the only one I know about.
There are reproduction items but no other originals that I'd
consider related to historic evens or times. You are really
asking for the rarest of items.