On Wed, 2007-04-25 at 04:15 -0500, Jim Leonard wrote:
Golan Klinger wrote:
Jim Leonard wrote:
I'm pretty sure this is the monitor that came
bundled with the IBM PS/1
series, but if anyone can get a lock on this before Wednesday night I'd
be most appreciative.
That is precisely what that is. That monitor is somewhat unique in
that in includes the power supply for the PS/1 and without it, the
PS/1 is useless. As a result, the monitors tend to be more valuable
than the computer they're intended to compliment.
If memory serves, some UK x86 series was like this as well... Amstrad
maybe? Reminds me of the Coleco Adam, for without a functional
daisywheel printer, the entire system would not function (power was in
the printer).
The Amstrad 1512/1640 had the PSU built into the monitor, which could
also power the PPC512/640 "laptop". The connector was a 14-pin DIN,
same as the external floppy connector on an ST. I used to work in a
computer repair shop around the time these machines were current, and we
used to get an Atari ST in every couple of weeks or so where the owner
had "plugged it into his mate's Amstrad monitor and now the disk drive
didn't work".
Repair was usually a new floppy, new FDC and new sound chip. Why the
sound chip? Well... no, someone else can tell it.