I have a box of 10 Memorex "FD VI" Vydec-compatible
8" floppy disks. These are single-sided, double-density
disks with hard-sectored index holes around the periphery
of the disk (on the outside, not near the center hole).
They are labelled as compatible with the Memorex 651 drive.
Note that these are not the more common 32-sector format,
or the even more common soft-sectored variety. As far as
I know, these are useful only for Vydec word processors,
a very early WYSIWYG WP system.
The disks appear to be unused, but are slightly warped due
to improper storage. I suspect they are usable, however.
They are available for the cost of postage to a collector
with a compatible drive, otherwise I will put them up on
eBay, or keep them as "bait" to lure a Vydec into my collection. ;)
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