Two Compaq AlphaServer DS10 systems, each with a 466 MHz EV6
processor and 2 Gbytes RAM (I can also reduce it to, say, 256
Mbytes). There are various options additionally, including SCSI
RAID (e.g. Smart Array 5300 or even Smart Array 6400), GbE
(DEGXA, original and/or modified), stock ELSA GLoria Synergy,
various Radeon 7500 (also All-In-Wonder), NEC USB, audio cards
and more. One of the two DS10s 'as-is', as it may have a faulty
CD-ROM drive (it's also missing its 'badge/name plate' with
"ALPHASERVER DS10" on it, below the "Compaq" logo, in case you
should care). The skins are all intact, in good/excellent shape
and included.
I have various options to offer. In any event, please contact
me for more information, offers or potential trades (I'm in
particular looking for SGI parts). I can also show pictures
and arrange a 'test drive' or 'tour' via SSH or Telnet.
The systems are located in the Netherlands and I'm willing
to ship (internationally).
- MG
One has been sold, with only one left and namely the one without
the nameplate and the potentially 'flawed' CD-ROM drive. (Note: I
don't have any 256 Mbyte kits left, so I only have the pricey 1
Gbyte kits.)
I'd also like to thank the new owner of the DS10 again for the
very pleasant communication and transaction and the best of luck
with the system!
- MG
New subject: FS: 1 Gbyte DS10/DS10L/XP900 memory kits
In addition to the last remaining DS10 I thus have several 1 Gbyte
kits available, at least two for the time being. All should be of the
DATARAM brand. These cost me a lot originally (about half a year ago),
as this is rather costly proprietary memory. I'm approximately looking
for USD 100 per kit.
- MG