On 4/26/07, Jules Richardson <julesrichardsonuk at yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
Ethan Dicks wrote:
It does
have a SCSI connector within the A590 I think, but I'm
not sure how picky it is about what drives it'll work with.
Not very picky.
Ok... so it doesn't need a SCSI drive that's happy with being low level
formatted to something other than a 512 byte sector size, for instance?
Nope. You do want 512 bytes per sector. Bog standard. I've attached
everything from 20MB up to 4GB drives onto my Amigas from the A1000 up
through my A4000, and the only time things were ever fiddly was with
pre-capacity-reporting drives or non-SCSI controllers like the A2090.
If you have something as modern as an A590 and any embedded SCSI
drive, it should work as described in the A590 docs. There's probably
a copy of the A590 prep disk running around. I think you might need
that for Kickstart/AmigaDOS 1.3, but by 2.0, ISTR, the OS knew about
the A590/A2091 from the get-go. If you happen to have a Kickstart 1.2
ROM in your A500, you won't be able to autoboot the hard disk, but you
will be able to access it after booting with a boot floppy.
I think many of them are still in service which is why
they haven't turned up
used - plus there's more paranoia these days about data security, so I wonder
if more are going to the shredders without being recycled as working units.
Perhaps. They could also be left running until they die. We were
losing an average of one Seagate 72GB UltraSCSI drive per month at the
Pole. All of the 9GB drives through 146GB drives failed at a combined
rate of less than one every two months, except for the 73GB drives.
It wasn't just that we had more 73GB drives than any anything else -
on a per-unit basis, the failure rate was dramatically higher in the
same environment.
They won't be of much use in your Amiga anyway. ;-)