> > Looking for these for an older Apple
system...32megs or 64megs 3.3v edo
> > 2k refresh 168pins...
> I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but older Apple systems don't
> take DIMMs, or even SIMMs. :-)
On Sun, 13 Oct 2002, Claude.W wrote:
I know...
But the system in question is not quite "that old"....
Maybe I should of said "Apple MAC sytstem"...or "older MAC"....
Anyways....what I wrote is exactly what I am looking for....
I thought that the "older MAC"s used 64K DIPs - had they already abandoned
DIPS in 1984?
It would still be nice to SAY what model machine you are looking for; a
model name or number is much clearer, and more likely to invoke a
willingness to help, than describing some characteristics of the machine
and refusing to identify it.
But, in any case, what you're looking for is much too new for any Apple
stuff that I have.