John Lawson wrote:
Without going into a lot of extraneous detail.. I am on several
comittees and groups etc., involved in the restoration and
preservation of films, sound tracks, and video media.
All the high-techsolutions notwithstanding, one of the long-term
archival methods is still an optically-recorded signal on stablized
mylar or estar-based photographic film of some kind. With the
proper care in processing the film life is forcast to be in excess
of 500 years, and all that is required to 'read' it is a light
source and a photo-responsive device.. plus the algorithms to
recover the intelligence from the data stream. In the case of
purely analog info, an audio amp, speaker, (and knowing the
language) are the only recovery criteria. Data is a little more
complex, but hopefully in 2100 somebody will be able to translate.
Unless we've managed to reduce ourselves to cave-man status once again.
Well, we've never managed to reduce ourselves to cave-man status since
that condition was left, unless you count folks building underground
homes for ease of climate-control. Contrary to popular imagination,
there was no loss of technology from the fall of the Roman Empire and
"Atlantis" was a result of poor records of a non-existant Golden Age
before the Cretan civilization was wasted by a volcano -- after all,
if times are hard Grandpa always says "in my grandpather's day ...",
but if times are good he says "why, when I was a kid we had to ...".
Legends build from there.
Ward Griffiths <> <>
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