Based on a response to my note about having PS/2 keyboard routines that
can output parallel ASCII, I thought I'd mention that I took some time
these past few nights to clean up my PS2Encoder project. The original
project supported:
* converting AT and PS/2 keyboard data into parallel with strobe
* Capturing CTRL/ALT/DEL keystroke and triggering active low output
upon receipt.
* RS232 output
* Hobbyist friendly 28 pin .300" DIP package layout
I've added the following features:
* Removal of crystal requirement. While the code can be compiled
for one, it is no required for operation
* CAPS LOCK works (I have not gotten the code that updates the LED
to work yet, but the interface adjusts to uppercase)
* Ability to configure interface via keyboard itself
* Ability to set parallel strobe to be active low or active high
* Ability to set ENTER to send CR or CRLF
* Ability to set inter-char holdoff from 0 to 2550uS, in 10uS increments
* Ability to set BS to send either BS or DEL
* Ability to set RS232 speed (2400,4800,9600,19200,38400)
* Ability to save settings permanently in EEPROM
The code is available (or will be, as soon as I post it) under GPL (v2),
but I'm wondering a few things:
* Any other features folks might find handy? I can't promise things
(someone suggested full keyboard mapping, which I am still
thinking about. It's not a technical issue per se, more a user
interface one), but I can try
* Anyone interested in a programmed IC for $20.00 (shipping in US
Jim Brain, Brain Innovations (X)
brain at
Dabbling in WWW, Embedded Systems, Old CBM computers, and Good Times!